Reviewing Pre-Fusion Earth Lit with Dragons as Protagonists

In what I'm assuming will be the first in a series of posts, I'll be reviewing some pre-Fusion Earth literature wherein the main character is a dragon. I have a bit of a fascination with pre-Fusion Earth fantasy and its history.

The reason I'm doing this is, in any list of "dragon books" or "books about dragons" from that time period, you seldom see us as the main characters. We may be a crucial plot point, but more often than not, the protagonist is a non-dragon, or worse.... a shifter.

So, I have taken it on myself to write reviews of books from the era wherein we're the protagonists.

If nothing else, it might be enlightening to think about how humans envisioned our fantasy counterparts at the time.

An Introduction

This is Paphvul, dragon extraordinaire, and this blog is where I'll be posting anything I can think of, be it reviews, rambles, or random ideas.

One topic I love to write about is Earth's pre-Fusion pop-culture, particularly the strange and obscure, as looked back at through a queer, draconic lens.

As for me, IRL I'm a Flesh mage who does body mods for a living, and I like my men the way I like my steak (juicy and swimming in gravy).